
Welcome! My name is Nikki, I am the wife of a wonderful husband, and the mother of two very kissable children. In 2010, both of our children were diagnosed with Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease. That is why I am writing this blog. I'm writing our story because despite the life that I have been given, I have hope. A beautiful everlasting hope. Let me share my story with you and how the Gospel has given me this hope.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

BMW is joy.

Photo from: http://www.bimmerfile.com/2010/02/

Danny and I recently took a tour of a BMW plant, while we were amazed at their efficiency and what man can do (create robots to make cars!) I was taken aback by the statement that they had posted: BMW is joy.

As it probably is true, that driving a BMW is joyful. I’d take one! I felt like it was a bold statement. However, there was another sign in the building that said Joy is powerful. Yes, I thought, yes it is!

What brings joy to your life? Your husbands kisses, your children’s laughter, giving someone an unexpected present? How about when things aren’t going your way and someone else is joyful about something, then how do you feel? Do you share in their joy or do you have a tinge of jealousy? You see, joy is powerful. It can either bring you life or destroy you.

I recently went through a season where my lack of joy was destroying me. I was jealous of what seemed like everything. I was jealous of those announcing that they were expecting, while I knew and was at peace with the fact that I couldn’t have anymore, jealous of those whose children were healthy, jealous of the pictures people had of their families, jealous of the husbands of friends who did such special things for them. It was getting ugly and petty. Thankfully, God was at work, the GirlTalk blog, a blog that I frequent, was beginning a series on envy and I was convicted. As I worked though the series, I realized the lack of joy and gratefulness that I had and how sinful I was being. Upon my conviction, I closed my facebook account because I realized that I wasted too much time in front of it and just how much that it feed my envy. Then, I began to pray for those I was jealous of.

God worked in me and quickly. In those months of seeking change in this area God showed me true joy and gave me genuine excitement for others joy. God has given me lasting joy. As I reflect on the cross and what He has done for me, I can’t help but have joy. My sins are forgiven and I will live in eternity with Him. I gave into the power of joy and it gave me life.

You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound.
–Psalm 4:7

So thanks, BMW for the great reminder!

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